
What is Alpha?

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the Christian faith in an informal, fun and friendly environment.  Alpha consists of a series of talks, looking at topics including, 'Who is Jesus?' and 'How can I have faith?' If you have ever wondered about some of those big questions in life, such as 'If God exists, what is he like?' and 'Why is there so much suffering in the world?' then this is your chance to come and examine them in more depth.  

Each evening consists of a 25 minute talk on video and an opportunity for discussion afterwards to share your thoughts with others on the course.  You don't have to come to the whole course - just pop along for the first session and see what you think.  No pressure.

Take a look at this short clip about the course.

Who is Alpha for?

Alpha is for everyone; no question is out of bounds and you are free to contribute as much or as little as you like.  We don't assume any background knowledge of, or belief in, Christianity and everyone is welcome.

When is Alpha?

Our next course begins on Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 8pm.  Please e-mail us to book your free place or to find out more.

What do others say?

This is what one of the participants from a previous course said:

"Although I had wanted to do an Alpha course for a number of years, I was anxious about doing so. I needn't have been! In September 2020 I joined a zoom Alpha course run by Hersham Baptist Church. The content and dicussion was so engaging - each week struck a chord with me. The group were kind, encouraging, supportive and respectful. I learned so much about love and forgiveness. It has had such a terrific impact on me and my relationships, particularly with my family. It brought me peace that I have not known before. Thanks to Alpha (& the amazing course leaders) I now have a relationship with God and am loving being part of the church family."

This is what another participant had to say after attending an in person course:

"What I expected … 

Before beginning Alpha I had a certain amount of apprehension and uncertainty. My initial view was to support my wife as I’ve moved away from firm religious beliefs over the years. More aethist in my beliefs having previously been a regular church go’er and even an altar boy in my formative years. Looking back my apprehension was most likely borne out of the idea that Alpha was there to convert and persuade me back to the church. 

What I got ….

I couldn’t have been more wrong - it was none of the above and to the contrary in fact. It was a brilliantly open, honest, safe and inviting environment with plenty of respectful and insightful discussion. A real and constant appreciation of all views which led me to plenty of self reflection post evenings. I was never judged, never made any expectation of and always made to feel part of the group. Every evening I left feeling a little bit better about the world, mentally healthier and somewhat calmer at the end of relentlessly busy weeks. Finally and to me most importantly it brought myself and my wife even closer together.  

What would I recommend it…

Absolutely. 100% and without hesitation. I still see those who were on the course from time to time which is always a pleasure. I’m more appreciative and understanding of others and their commitment to faith and 2 hours once a week I got to feel better about the world, and those around me."




Tuesday 11th February
1:30pm - 3:00pm -
8:00pm - 9:30pm -
Wednesday 12th February
8:00pm - 9:30pm -

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